Career Services

We at MSBA Career Services are excited to begin partnering with you to help you achieve your career goals. That partnership begins now! There’s a lot you can do over the summer to prepare you well for your upcoming internship search and the full-time job search that will quickly follow.

Career Services Intro & Overview Webinar

Coming Early September

Watch your email for an invitation to an important webinar to introduce you to MSBA Career Services.  We’ll share an overview of the analytics field as well as our philosophy—both what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you in the internship and job search process.  


Our goal is for you to have a best-in-class resume by the time you begin your studies this fall.  Here’s how we will get there. 

In early September, we will conduct a live, mandatory webinar to review best practices for creating a door-opening resume that gets you interviews. Following the webinar and your resume revisions, you will schedule review sessions with MSBA Alumni Career Coaches and Career Services advisors.  Once your resume is re-revised and approved, it will be regularly sent to over 700 recruiters and hiring managers. 

What you can do now:

Track your accomplishments
If you are working this summer, record all the things you’re doing that are making a difference to the organization.  What did you do, what were the bottom-line results?  The more things you can track that are related to data and analytics, the better.  Review your past experience as well, including jobs, internships, and school projects.


Your summer internship will be an important part of your learning and professional growth during the MSBA program.  Here is some information that will be helpful, and thoughts about what you can do now to prepare for internship hiring season.

The timeframe for internship recruiting is very broad.  Here is what to expect:

Many companies, especially consulting firms and large tech firms, will begin posting internships on their websites, LinkedIn, etc. as early as August. Most of these companies will do technical screening tests and interviews before or soon after the December holiday break, with more in-depth and in-person interviews beginning in January. This process is occurring earlier every year as competition for top talent increases. Most companies will post opportunities and select candidates between January and the end of May. Most companies test you on your tech skills before moving you forward in the interviewing process. Many use third-party resources like HackerRank. You can begin to practice on their site now.

What you can do now

Build a target list of companies you’re interested in and keep an eye on their postings.  Follow them on social media so you can stay on top of latest announcements and postings.  See their websites for advice on submissions and the interview process. 

Learn or brush up on your SQL, R and Python.
Our courses will help, but the more you bring to the program, the better off you'll be in the hiring game.  (Use the resources on Admit Central.)

If at all possible, we recommend that you do not submit your resume for an internship until after we have worked on it together.

Ongoing Career Learning

We will have multiple days together during Orientation to build your job search muscles—covering topics like applications, cover letters, networking, LinkedIn, and interviewing. Your career learning and professional development continues throughout the Fall Quarter with our weekly Career Curriculum, where you will build your skills in client management, data storytelling, virtual and in-person presentation skills, analytics case interviewing, and much more!

Enjoy the rest of the summer safely and in good health. We look forward to seeing you in September!

Essential Attire for Classes, Networking, and Interviews

This excellent article breaks down the different categories mentioned below, with examples and dos and don’ts, in an inclusive, gender-neutral manner. You’ll see that each industry can have a different interpretation of each category!

When in doubt or if you are really looking to stand out, dress one level higher/fancier, as long as you remain within the general culture of the company/industry represented. For example, putting on a business jacket over a nice shirt could work well when someone from tech is presenting an industry seminar class. Wearing a suit and tie could be out of range and might make you seem unaware of the culture.

Classroom Attire

Your interview outfit should make you feel confident and and comfortable while making a great first impression with your interviewer.

View the Gender Neutral Guide: What to Wear for an Interview to help you choose the right outfit to make you stand out.

Professional Interactions

Your interactions with industry professionals will take place in different environments and require different strategies in terms of what to wear to stand out and look like a professional they could envision on their team. Here are the main events, along with the recommended level of dress.

  • Company informational and recruiting sessions:On the registration form, we will designate the level. Typically, these are business casual.
  • Industry seminar course: Business casual
  • Industry nights and business analytics symposium: Business formal
  • Career fairs: Business formal (You may see some very casually dressed undergrads there, but Anderson students should have higher standards.)
  • Interviews: Typically, these are business formal, adjusted for the culture of the organization and/or industry. A good rule of thumb is to dress more formally for the first interview.