Most Deserved

Most Deserved

Meet UCLA Anderson's 2019-2020 faculty award recipients

To the UCLA Anderson community:

First, I’d like to thank the entire UCLA Anderson faculty for another outstanding year. The mission of this university is education, research and service, and the outstanding group of scholars that our faculty comprises consistently delivers on all three counts. This year, I’m so proud of the way the whole faculty stepped up to maintain UCLA Anderson's exceptional standards under the most difficult circumstances. On behalf of Dean Tony Bernardo, I express my gratitude to all of you.

It’s also my pleasure to congratulate this year’s faculty award recipients:

Franklin Shaddy

Dean George W. Robbins Assistant Professor Teaching Award

Franklin Shaddy

This award recognizes teaching excellence within the ranks of the school’s assistant professors. It was established in 1973 by Dean George W. Robbins. The recipient is selected annually by a faculty committee.

Miguel Unzueta

Citibank Teaching Award

Miguel Unzueta

This annual award is given to the school’s most outstanding MBA teacher. The criteria include continuous improvement in classroom performance and creativity and innovation. The recipient is chosen by a faculty committee.

Stuart Gabriel

Neidorf "Decade" Teaching Award

Stuart Gabriel

This award recognizes a faculty member’s exemplary teaching contributions, as demonstrated over a period of 7–10 years.

Hengchen Dai and Velibor Mišić

Eric and E Juline Faculty Excellence in Research Award

Hengchen Dai and Velibor Mišić

This award is given annually to recognize excellence in research among UCLA Anderson’s assistant professors. Recipients are chosen by a faculty committee.

Felipe Caro and Miguel Unzueta

La Force Award for Leadership

Felipe Caro and Miguel Unzueta

The La Force Award for Leadership recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated leadership in making UCLA Anderson a better place. Recipients are recommended by the La Force Committee, which makes its selection based on nominations received from the Anderson faculty.

Brett Trueman

Dean’s Prize for Outstanding Faculty Mentorship of Ph.D. Students

Brett Trueman

The Dean’s Prize for Outstanding Faculty Mentorship of Ph.D. Students is selected by a faculty committee.

Bruno Pellegrino

Xavier Drèze Prize

Bruno Pellegrino

The award established for UCLA Anderson Professor Xavier Drèze honors a UCLA Anderson Ph.D. student for the most outstanding research paper.

Ian Larkin

Full-Time MBA Teaching Excellence Award

Ian Larkin

Terry Kramer

Fully Employed MBA Teaching Excellence Award

Terry Kramer

John Ullmen (Ph.D. ’02)

EMBA Teaching Excellence Award

John Ullmen (Ph.D. ’02)

Noah Goldstein

UCLA-NUS Global Executive MBA Teaching Excellence Award

Noah Goldstein

Levon Goukasian

Master of Financial Engineering Teaching Excellence Award

Levon Goukasian

Anand Bodapati and Velibor Mišić

Master of Science in Business Analytics Teaching Excellence Award

Anand Bodapati and Velibor Mišić


All best,

Sanjay Sood

Sanjay Sood

Faculty Chairman and Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs
Professor of Marketing and Behavioral Decision Making