Anderson Women

Anderson Women

Welcome to Anderson Women of the UCLA Anderson Alumni Network. Our mission is to engage, inspire, and prepare members for professional advancement, intellectual enrichment, and personal fulfillment. We are growing the breadth of our active base through programming that serves those seeking new challenges, both personal and professional, with like-minded alumnae. Join the conversation about advancing in your career, achieving work/life balance, planning your future, joining a board, building wealth, pursuing your dreams, and promoting and expanding the Anderson experience.

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Meet Your Chapter

President – Annette Blum Pearson ('10)
VP, Finance & Secretary – Ella Profenius ('20)
Co-VP, Marketing/Communications – Samantha Hollon ('20)
Sonia Benavides Haendel ('10)
Natasha Humphries ('22)
CO-VP, Programming & Events – Kathy Hoss ('94)
Pradnya Parulekar ('20)
Regional Chairs, Bay Area – Diana Herh ('09)
Founder – Grace Kurek-Boschan ('97)
Member at Large – Marina Kalika ('95)
Member at Large – Ania Puczylowska ('20)


June 2
2:00 pm
Ceramic Painting Social- Long Beach,CA
Organizer: Anderson Women
June 19
6:30 pm
Anderson Women Book Club #22 - Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara
Organizer: Anderson Women


August 14
6:30 pm
Anderson Women Book Club #23 - The Women by Kristin Hannah
Organizer: Anderson Women