Fink Student Fellowships

The Fink Center is committed to helping our students become the next generation of industry leaders in the field of finance.


Through a competitive selection process, the Fink Center selects a few outstanding students every year to be Fink Fellows in investment banking, investment management, private equity and alternatives, and quantitative finance. Each fellow is matched with three industry professionals who provide career advice and guidance throughout the summer internship recruiting process. The assignment of three mentors — junior, mid-level and senior in their careers — provides fellows with a unique, 360-degree perspective on the industry. Fellow selection and mentor matching typically occurs in late October. Once matches are made, the frequency of contact is left to the discretion of each mentor/fellow pairing. The program culminates in an end-of-year dinner with the fellows and mentors across the four fellowship types.

Professionals from any of the four fields who are interested in serving as a mentor can contact the Fink Center anytime during the year to be considered for the next program cycle.