

Beyond the Buzz: Leveraging AI for Data-Driven Marketing Decision

May 6, 2024

Generative AI is revolutionizing marketing, transforming how decisions are made and executed. As companies increasingly integrate AI into their strategies, they navigate complex challenges, including ensuring sufficient data quantity and maintaining data quality, addressing privacy and ethical concerns, overcoming integration hurdles, and ensuring their teams possess the necessary AI skills. Despite these challenges, AI promises unprecedented opportunities to enhance marketing through deeper customer insights, predictive analytics, automated content generation, and more efficient resource allocation.

This technology enables marketers to rapidly test and optimize campaigns, make real-time decisions like dynamic pricing, and personalize customer experiences — all leading to better ROMI. Yet, integrating AI also requires balancing innovation with the preservation of human creativity and intuition in marketing strategies.

Join us for an engaging panel discussion featuring Yong Guo, VP of Data Science at Warner Bros Discovery; Ben Royce, AI Services Manager for Google Cloud; and Keith Camoosa, Head of the Addressability Practice at Dentsu International. Together, we will delve into these crucial challenges and explore the expansive opportunities AI presents to data-driven marketing professionals.

Click here to watch the recording

Marketing Association: Lunch and Learn with Professor Hal Hershfield

February 20, 2024

Join Marketing Association for a Lunch and Learn with Anderson's very own Professor Hal Hershfield, sponsored by the UCLA Morrison Center for Marketing & Data Analytics. Professor Hershfield will be talking about his new book, Your Future Self: How to Make Tomorrow Better Today

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Date Event
June 17-18

Sales Profession Conference

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