
May 2024

Taking the Ethical Lead
Alumni News

Taking the Ethical Lead

Long time Anderson supporters Evelyn and David Hou (B.A. ’88, ’92) sponsored the UCLA Anderson Ethics Summit case competition. David is the co-founder of Evoke Advisors and ranks among the top 100 wealth advisors in the U.S. As a practitioner for more than two decades, he advises his research team to underwrite for character.
Professor Gallus Leads New Capstone Course
Faculty Spotlight

Professor Gallus Leads New Capstone Course

Just named Best 40 under 40 MBA Professors by Poets & Quants, Jana Gallus, Associate Professor of Strategy and Behavior Decision Making, introduced MBA students to her passion for field experiments in a new capstone class entitled “The Nuts and Bolts of A/B Testing.”
Alumni Spotlight

An Olympian Legacy That Keeps the People in Its Heart

In her native Brazil, Mariana Behr Andrade (‘02) developed an educational program as part of the 2016 Rio Olympics. The program enrolled 8 million children and still involves 275,000 teachers. Her success in Rio led to her current Olympics-related role as an IOC advisor to cities preparing to host the Olympics.
Relive Alumni Reunions 2024

Relive Alumni Reunions 2024

The opportunity to reconnect with classmates, the School, and fellow Anderson alumni is always special. Relive the fun and memories with Alumni Reunion event and photobooth highlights.
How the World Works Podcast

Beyond GDP, Consider the Entire Nation’s Well-Being

Professor of Behavioral Economics and Genomics Dan Benjamin has devised an index, scoring each U.S. locale. In the latest How the World Works episode, Dan explores what individuals care about and how to measure national well-being.