What's Current September 2022

November 2021

Welcome to fall and the September edition of What’s Current, our monthly newsletter. The academic year is now fully underway at UCLA Anderson, with students from our specialized master’s programs joining MBAs on our busy campus. Welcome to these new and returning MFE and MSBA students! We’re also excited to welcome four outstanding new faculty members to Anderson this fall. As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in September and October, we’re recognizing the success and diversity of this key community on our campus, with new stories for Latinx@Anderson and a Q&A with a distinguished Riordan Programs alumnus, California Senator Alex
Padilla. Be sure to check those out, along with stories, videos and podcasts featuring faculty, alumni and donors who make us proud. In October, don’t miss our first Global Sports Business Forum and the 70th anniversary celebration of the UCLA Anderson Forecast.

Dean Tony Bernardo

A Message to New MSBAs, MFEs and Ph.D.s and Returning Students

Dean Tony Bernardo

Let’s make the most of having all students back on campus

Watch Welcome Video

Welcome, New UCLA Anderson Faculty

Four assistant professors from four U.S. institutions join us in four different areas of study


H. Tai Lam
Assistant Professor of Marketing

“Modern platforms have enormous capacity to influence consumer behavior. My research seeks to understand whether this influence benefits or harms consumers, and how it changes competition between platform owners and platform participants.”

Scott Rodilitz
Assistant Professor of Decisions, Operations and Technology Management

“My research aims to amplify the impact of organizations that promote social good.”

Brian Wheaton
Assistant Professor of Global Economics and Management

“Human interaction is at the center of every economic relationship and every business transaction. And all human interactions are governed by both the spoken rules of institutions and the unspoken rules of culture.”

Jane Wu
Assistant Professor of Strategy

“Metrics permeate our daily lives, yet we typically don’t pay attention to how they are developed or why they are adopted. My work focuses on understanding how metrics can shape innovation in firms and startups.”


Q&A: California Senator Alex Padilla

The Riordan Programs’ Legacy Award recipient and MBA Fellows alumnus recalls how the program opened his eyes to new career possibilities

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Professor of Finance Mark Garmaise’s Course Develops Learning in Real Time

Class participation plus a clear rationale for the course have sharpened his goals for students aspiring to traditional finance careers as well as entrepreneurs

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Professor of Marketing Cassie Holmes Sets Our Timers for the Happier Hour

From CBS Mornings, Fortune, the Wall Street Journal and the Hidden Brain podcast to our own UCLA Anderson Review, the leading happiness studies expert is inspiring a movement

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A Method to Happiness: Tested in the Lab and in Life

Cassie Holmes’ book combines social science and personal history

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UCLA Anderson Forecast Predicts No Recession, but U.S. and California Economies Continue to Slow

Inflation, rising interest rates, declining real wages and consumer pessimism are among the factors affecting growth

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Run at the Barking Dog!

Nestlé Canada CEO John Carmichael (B.A. ’90, ’95) solves problems head-on

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Announcing the Jason C. Hsu Ph.D. Fellowship

Alumnus, lecturer and founder of Rayliant Global Advisors has pledged an endowment to support students enrolled in Anderson’s Ph.D. program

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Professor Dan Benjamin’s Unhappy Quest for a Happiness Index

Pushing aside GDP for a measure of human well-being turns out to be very, very difficult

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